We at Medzpalace provide a 100% guarantee on our merchandise. If our product is damaged, or does not display on time, or isn’t always received by the recipient, our company offers a complete refund. Our guarantee works on a request foundation, and once assure is asked by our customer, if partial order, the remaining balance is refunded back to the clients.
Medzpalace in case of partial orders, rate according to the goods received by the client. All the transactions that begin from placing an order to achieving your doorsteps take around 20 to 30 days.
If any delay, hold, or return of the sender, a notification is sent to the customer, and no announcement is received. It is recommended to reach out to us by sending us a ticket on the refund segment so that the issues regarding shipping of our merchandise are resolved and executed on priority.
For some other queries regarding the order dispatch or to know the order’s status, you could reach us at our support section.