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In today many men fail to penetrate successfully at the time of sexual intercourse. It is believed that only older people have to fight against this issue. But the real scenario is completely different.
Not only middle-aged people but also young people face this problem. There are many reasons related to this problem. These are unhealthy food consumption, developing bad habits, stress, depression, inadequate sleeping, and many others. So before talking about medicines, we need to understand the causes of erectile dysfunction and its symptoms.
Impotence is a big challenge for many males irrespective of their age. In this problem, they cannot penetrate stiffly for a longer period while being intimate with their partner. The problem arises because the penis releases a chemical messenger named PDE5 inhibitor and creates an obstacle to flow blood smoothly in the pelvic region.
As a result, patients face soft and short erections and they cannot satisfy their bed partners. So relationships among couples deteriorate and males lose their confidence, self-esteem. Many married couples come on the verge of breaking up for not making their wife pregnant. So curbing ED is extremely needed for a successful relationship.
Instead of hiding this serious issue, patients need to discuss this problem with the doctor. Many doctors prescribe stimulants for erecting successfully. In most cases, they recommend Viagra, Sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, and many other medications for this purpose. But before taking medications, patients need to be careful if they have diabetes, cardiovascular problems.
These medicines adversely affect health and may prove dangerous for a human being. Most importantly everyone should know that consuming medicine is not enough for fighting against erectile dysfunction. Being sexually aroused is essential. So many doctors advise curbing this problem in a natural way along with prescribing medicines also.
Here we are going to discuss some natural remedies that help to fight against impotence.
Physical exercise is a treatment of ED
Apart from taking medication, patients need to change their lifestyles to combat impotence. As per research, it is proved that physical exercise eases the flow of blood in the penis and improves blood pressure by enhancing the release of nitric oxide in blood vessels. It is known to everyone that releasing nitric oxide helps to relax muscles and arteries in the penis and that permits blood to flow in the penile region.
This helps to penetrate successfully. Many people are reluctant to exercise daily. But if they develop a habit of 30 minutes walking daily, this will improve their erectile dysfunction issue. According to the survey, a daily walk reduces 41% risk of erectile dysfunction by 41%.
But those are fitness freaks, they need to focus more on weight lifting exercise. This type of exercise helps to secrete more testosterone hormone and this gives the advantage to curb this issue.
According to the study of 2018, if patients do aerobic exercise for 40 minutes a day can improve this issue. Brisk walking, running, bicycling, skiing help improve impotence.
Eat healthy food
The foods you consume may directly make an effect on erectile dysfunction. A proper diet full of vegetables, fruits, fish, and whole grains can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. It can be said that a healthy diet helps maintain body weight.
Because being obese is not good for leading good sexual life. Obesity enhances the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular system. In the cardiovascular issue, the blood vessels in the penis get damaged and patients face trouble in a hard erection.
Reduced stress, depression, and anxiety
Nowadays people are running after their dream, money. For this reason, sometimes they get depressed for not having the desired thing. On the other side, people have to regularly go through a hectic schedule. For this reason, they are the victims of anxiety, depression.
But these negative elements adversely affect us. For this reason, patients face problems in erection. If someone becomes anxious, he can lose their erection suddenly. So curbing these elements is crucial for leading a balanced life. So patients can meditate or do yoga, freehand exercise. These help them to fight against erectile dysfunction issues.
Give up smoking
If you want to repair your broken relationship, giving physical satisfaction to your partner is equally important along with giving mental satisfaction. So if any male fails to satisfy his partner in bed, they need to treat this erectile dysfunction. If he is addicted to smoking, he needs to give up this bad habit as early as possible.
As smoking raises blood pressure and gradually it becomes responsible for damaging small blood vessels in the penis. Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular issues should give up the habit of smoking. Because the supply of blood in the penis becomes limited due to the artery being narrowed.
Consumption of reduced fat and cholesterol in the diet
As per research, those who have cholesterol issues tend to have more erectile dysfunction. For this reason, patients should keep more low fatty foods on their diet. As a consequence, the level of cholesterol gets reduced.
Adequate sleep is essential for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
Deficiency in sleep plays a crucial role in the problem of impotency. Testosterone indeed gets increased with proper sleep and as a result, sexual intercourse gets improved. Releasing hormones is regulated by the internal clock of the body. The patterns of sleep help to determine the timing of hormone secretion. If patients follow the daily routine for sleeping, this ascertains that signals are consistent and clear.
Restriction of alcohol consumption
Alcohol is a type of depressant and is responsible for permanent and temporary erectile dysfunction. The central nervous system is the cause of the secretion of nitric oxide. This is an important component for maintaining a sustained erection.
Excessive alcohol consumption increases the problem of erectile dysfunction. For this reason, it becomes the cause of inefficient sex functioning. The secretion of less nitric oxide is the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Monitoring medicine for ending erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction occurs as a side effect of medicine for another health issue. Hypertension, beta-blockers, cholesterol medicine, hormone drugs, medicine for the treatment of baldness, and chemotherapy are the main causes associated with side effects.
If you suspect that these drugs may be the cause of your erectile dysfunction problem, you need to go to the doctor. Never stop taking this medicine. You can adjust your dose by talking to a doctor.
Acupuncture is helpful for the treatment of ED naturally
Research describes that patients can improve their impotency by taking treatment of acupuncture. This is helpful for the treatment of sensual disorders caused by side effects of medications like SSRI.
Support from your partner is needed to treat ED
Those who are suffering from erectile dysfunction can go to the doctor along with their female partner to explain the condition and talk about the way out for fighting this problem. This is alternatively known as non-organic erectile dysfunction. This may be the reason for anxiety, depression.
As per the research of 2020, cognitive-behavior sex therapy, and medicine are beneficial ways for the treatment of impotency. Taking your partner with you to the clinic helps them to understand the situation. Not only that they can help to tackle this issue efficiently. After all, to mitigate this issue, the support and cooperation of your partner are required.
Weight reduction
Erectile dysfunction is a common problem for people of overweight or large waist measurements. If you think that gaining weight is the cause of erectile dysfunction problems, they need to check their weight by doing exercise. According to a 2014 report, after gastric bypass surgery, the condition of the blood vessel and ED get improved for obese people. In the same way, a 2017 study report indicates that after bariatric surgery, ED condition improves.
Erectile dysfunction problems arise from psychological and physical issues. Sexual trauma, religious beliefs, and fear of failure may be the causes of this. ED leads to some serious mental states like lower self-esteem, emotional distress. These can further worsen the ED. The therapy improves ED by detecting these issues. There is yet to research more on this matter. But cognitive behavioral therapy and mental health interventions play an effective role to treat this issue.
Good conversation
When we think about having sex, we can start with a nice conversation with our beloved partner. It may prove helpful to improve ED. If you spend a candid moment with your partner while talking with each other, it gives relief from anxiety, tension and creates a romantic ambiance for being sexually excited. That ultimately treats impotence naturally. Keep in mind that sometimes honesty, physical proximity, love play more important roles than sex for the treatment of ED.
Herbal remedies helpful for the treatment of ED
Red ginseng and pomegranate are two important herbal products that help to improve ED. It is said that ginseng releases nitric oxide and helps in the easy flow of blood in the penis. But before taking this, you need to consult with a doctor. As they may interact with other medicines taken.
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